How It Works

Cherished Connections – Ensuring Positive Family Time Through Child-Focused Supervision

Simple 4-Step Process

At Cherished Connections, we streamline the process for parents eager to connect with their children. Our efficient four-step procedure includes:

Click on each bullet point to see detailed information.



Complimentary Consult:


    • Schedule: Select a 15-minute slot and submit basic information to receive an information pack.
    • Consultation: We’ll discuss the basic service requirements and address readiness for intake.

        Intake Interviews & Forms:

          • Intake Fees: Invoices will be emailed to the paying party. Separate invoices are available upon request. 
          • Intake Interview: Conducted by phone or online at your selected date and time during the consultation.
          • Senior Practitioners: Interviews are led by experienced and dignity-driven assessors.
          • User-Friendly: Complete and submit forms electronically in 15-20 minutes, helping reduce our carbon footprint.
          • Required Documents: Upload ID, court orders, and other documents directly or via email.
          • Visit Preparation: We use your form details and intake interview information to prepare for family visits.

          Assessment Criteria:

          • Best type of visit for the child/young person
          • Suitability for CC services
          • Child/young person’s preferences
          • Family’s commitment capability
          • Previous history and current circumstances
          • Preferred days, times, and venues for visits

          Note: Criteria may vary based on each family’s unique needs.


          Optional Service

          • Child Familiarisation Sessions: An optional, recommended service to help the child/young person feel comfortable with their assigned family time facilitator. Includes a pre-visit meeting with play and conversation, lasting 1-2 hours, for which there is a fee. OR

          • Introductory Profile: A complimentary one-page introduction with a photo of the family time facilitator, detailing their interests, to familiarize the child/young person before the visit.


          • Visit Commencement: Supervised family time starts at the agreed time, date, and location.


          • Staggered Meeting Points: Separate, pre-organized arrival points for Lives with Parent (LWP) and Spends Time with Parent (STWP) to ensure no face-to-face encounters.


          • Observation: Family Time Facilitators stay within hearing range and observe all interactions discreetly, ensuring the child/young person’s safety and well-being.


          • Discreet Practice: Facilitators remain unobtrusive, intervening only if necessary to maintain dignity and safety.


          • Staggered Departures: Departure times are staggered to prevent confrontation between parents.


          After each supervised family time visit, the Family Time Facilitators will prepare a detailed report.


          • Purpose: The report informs parents, legal representatives, and the Court about the visit’s events.


          • Content: Includes observations of interactions, activities, and any notable incidents during the visit.


          • Distribution: The report is shared with all relevant parties to ensure transparency and awareness.


          * Please provide feedback after family time visits to help us make any necessary adjustments for future sessions.