Frequently Asked Questions

Cherished Connections – Ensuring Positive Family Time Through Child-Focused Supervision

Is Cherished Connections (CC) privately operated?

Yes, Cherished Connections (CC) is a privately operated Supervised Children’s Contact Service. We adhere to industry standards and currently facilitate visits at play centers, playgrounds, libraries, and local parks (Venues may be selected by parents on a case-by-case basis). As an ACCSA-affiliated service, CC complies with national accreditation standards, including administrative guidelines and the national practice framework.

How soon can we start supervised visits with Cherished Connections (CC)?

Cherished Connections (CC) aims to minimise wait times for families. We have no waiting lists; the timeframe depends on completing necessary formalities and scheduling intake.
Our process involves initial complimentary consult, form completion, intake payment, and interviews before supervised visits can begin. The intake interview available by phone or online, will assess your situation and determine if our services are suitable. We will inform you of the outcome within 2-4 business days.

Are Court Orders or Parenting Agreements Required for CCS Contact in NSW?

No, Children’s Contact Services (CCS) in NSW are independent and not exclusively bound by court orders or parenting agreements. At Cherished Connections (CC), we conduct a comprehensive intake assessment to determine if safe and child-focused arrangements can be made. While we aim to respect the spirit of existing agreements, we may refer you to additional support services if supervised visits cannot be facilitated at that time.

How can I help create a successful visit?

The CC staff provide parents and guardians with information and help in assisting the children in having safe, comfortable, and satisfying visits. Following the rules and guidelines of our service is the basis of this happening. Parents the child lives with should be positive and encourage the children to enjoy their visit. After the visit, they should be willing to listen if the children want to talk about the visit, but should never pump the child for information or be negative about what is occuring. The visiting parent should come prepared to have a good time within the limits set by the CCS. Children are looking for demonstrations of love and acceptance; the other factors (such as adult conflict and court proceedings) are not as important to them.

Can I obtain information for Family Law Court from Cherished Connections (CC)?

Cherished Connections (CC) provides detailed observational notes from visits, which can be used in Family Law Court proceedings either through a formal report or by subpoenaing the file. Our staff may also be subpoenaed to give evidence. Fees apply for reports, file access, or staff testimony. It is standard practice for Children’s Contact Services (CCS) to share reports and information with all relevant parties.

What are service fees at Cherished Connections (CC)?

Cherished Connections (CC) charges fees for its professional services. For current rates, please contact us directly. Additional fees apply for extra reports, file notes, or staff appearances in court. As a private service, CC operates on a full-fee basis, with rates competitive within the industry.

What are the roles and responsibilities of CC Family Time Facilitators?

CC Family Time Facilitators attend all visits to support a positive experience for both the parent and child, ensuring safety while expecting the visiting parent to manage care and behaviour. Facilitators must be able to see and hear all interactions and write detailed reports after each visit, focusing on the supervised parent’s capacity and the child’s responses, not legal evidence. Personal or sensitive information should not be shared during visits. Feedback on the child’s well-being and incidents is provided to the resident parent post-visit.

What are the expectations for supervised parents?

Supervised parents should arrive on time, allowing for delays, and inform CC if they will be late. Support your child emotionally during farewells and maintain a positive demeanour throughout the visit. Avoid discussing court matters or probing questions about living arrangements. Refrain from negative comments about other parties and manage your child’s behaviour positively. Adhere to supervision rules and follow facilitators’ instructions. Bring healthy snacks, engage only in approved activities, and do not record or film the visit. Confirm the meeting location, use public transport if pre-approved, and do not use facilitators to pass messages. Address any concerns with CC Administration, not during the visit.

What are the expectations for resident parents?

Resident parents should adhere to court orders and communicate them to Cherished Connections (CC). Ensure the child is prepared for visits and facilitate smooth handovers with the support of facilitators. Confirm visit details with the supervised parent beforehand. CC remains neutral and prioritizes the child’s welfare. Refrain from asking the child about the visit; facilitators will handle reporting. Recording or photographing visits is prohibited, and necessary items for the child should be provided or arrangements made for ongoing visits.

Will my child be safe?

Yes, your child’s safety is our top priority. Our Family Time Facilitators are highly qualified professionals who undergo thorough background checks, specialized training, and ongoing development to ensure they adhere to the highest safety standards. They are skilled in vigilant monitoring, immediate intervention if needed, and constant supervision, creating a secure and supportive environment for your child. You can trust that their well-being is meticulously safeguarded throughout every visit.

How are activities selected for family time visits, and what support is available?

Activities are planned in advance with input from both parents and children to ensure they are age-appropriate and tailored to each child’s interests. We offer a range of activities suited to different ages and stages, prioritising family satisfaction and memorable experiences. Our trained family time facilitators are available to provide guidance and suggest activities if needed during the visit.