About CC

Cherished Connections – Ensuring Positive Family Time Through Child-Focused Supervision

Who We Are

Cherished Connections is a leading, community-based Children’s Contact Service known for its professionalism and industry respect. We offer supervised family time visits conducted by skilled and empathetic Family Time Facilitators.

As an affiliated service with the Australian Children’s Contact Association Inc (ACCSA), we adhere to national accreditation standards, ensuring compliance with administrative guidelines and best practices.

We specialize in providing secure and reliable supervision for family time visitations and changeovers, particularly in situations involving:

  • Court-ordered supervision
  • High conflict between parents
  • Safety concerns for children
  • Uncertainty about the return of children post-visit

Our Commitment:

  • Try our best to provide consistent Family Time Facilitators for each visit.
  • Flexible scheduling with visits arranged within days.
  • Adherence to industry standards with detailed reports usable in court.
  • Supervised visits in natural settings such as parks, homes, and recreational venues.
  • Strict privacy and confidentiality for all clients.
  • Handling cases of extended separation, domestic violence, and child abuse investigations.

Note: Face-to-face visits may be restricted during peak seasons (e.g., Christmas, Easter) or natural disasters (e.g., flooding, bushfires).

Our Mission


Cherished Connections prioritises children’s best interests and supports their right to express their views. We involve children in shaping our services and ensure their voices are heard in the Court process, upholding UNCRC principles and relevant laws.


We believe each child deserves nurturing, meaningful, and positive relationships with both parents and family members.


Cherished Connections ensures the process is swift, safe, and supportive for all involved.


We are dedicated to providing dependable and unbiased supervised family time visits centered on children’s well-being.


We support families and children by providing stress-free, child focused family time visits and changeovers.


We will guide you through these challenging times, prioritising children’s needs and safety during supervised family time visits.


With over a decade of industry experience, we are mindful and inclusive in our language usage in reports and when building rapport with families.

Our Expert Team

Cherished Connections is proud to have a highly skilled team specializing in children’s contact services, child protection, and out-of-home care. Our founder, Aditi, brings over ten years of experience in these areas, supported by her advanced degrees from Macquarie University and Western Sydney University.

Each team member holds relevant tertiary qualifications and is trained in cross-cultural communication. They also possess current Working with Children Checks, National Police Checks, and First Aid certifications, ensuring a high standard of professional practice and safety.

Guided by Cherished Connections’ comprehensive policies and procedures, our team adheres to best practices to support and protect the wellbeing of children and their families. Our commitment to excellence is reflected in our rigorous approach to service delivery and child welfare.

CC Vision


Foster strong, healthy, and enduring relationships between children and their parents, ensuring safe and supportive environments for family time.


Promote the emotional well-being of children by facilitating consistent and meaningful interactions with their parents.


Enhance the stability and resilience of children by maintaining their connections to birth family and significant others.


Provide a safe and neutral setting for children to spend quality time with their parents, reducing stress and anxiety associated with family separation.


Support parents in developing and refining their parenting skills through supervised interactions and constructive feedback.


Ensure that every child has the opportunity to maintain a loving and supportive relationship with both parents, regardless of family circumstances.


Advocate for the best interests of the child in all interactions, prioritising their safety, happiness, and emotional development.


Collaborate with all relevant stakeholders to offer comprehensive support services that address the unique needs of families undergoing separation or custody arrangements.


Provide crucial assistance to the Department of Community and Justice (DCJ) and NGOs with out-of-home care (OOHC) case management programs, enabling them to dedicate more time to direct case management and support for the children and young people in their care.


Continuously improve and adapt our services to meet the evolving needs of families, ensuring the highest standards of care and support.

Join Cherished Connections: Make a Difference

Are you driven to positively impact lives? Cherished Connections is always seeking passionate professionals to join our team.

Family Time Facilitators: Ensure safe, constructive interactions between families and children.

Why Join Us?

  • Work across diverse locations.
  • Be part of a team dedicated to growth and excellence.

Ready to contribute to our mission? For job details and to apply, send your CV to info@cconnections.au

We look forward to your application and the chance to work together to make a meaningful difference.

Get In Touch


0431 999 610




PO Box 270, Castle Hill NSW 1765


Mon-Thu: 8am – 8pm

Fri: 8am – 5pm

Weekends: 8am – 6pm

Public Holidays: 8am – 6pm